Человек Бензопила Вики
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The Zombie Devil (ゾンビの悪魔, Zonbi no akuma) is a devil who embodies the fear of zombies.


The Zombie Devil takes the form of a giant floating limbless torso with multiple exposed organs including a brain from which tentacles emerge to connect him to zombies within his horde. A large human-like face emerges from the right side of the devil's torso unconnected to where its head should be.[1]


The Zombie Devil has a greater hatred towards humans, particularly towards devil hunters.[2] Since devil hunters kill his own kind, the Zombie Devil seeks to kill devil hunters in return.[3]


Intro arc[]

The Zombie Devil made a deal with a mafia group to lend them his power, but since his power turns people into zombies, they became his servants. He then called Denji to an abandoned building and made his new zombies kill him, since he hates devil hunters.[4]

When Denji came back to life, he was surprised that he still lived and told his zombies to eat him. As Denji transformed into Chainsaw Man, he minced his zombies. The Zombie Devil thought that the smaller devil took over his body and that he should be one of them, but Denji launched towards him and killed him by jamming his chainsaw into the Zombie Devil's head.[5]

Katana Man arc[]

Despite being killed by Denji, the Zombie Devil's creations continued to exist as a threat. An army of zombies left behind by the mafia group were used by Katana Man and Akane Sawatari.[6]

Control Devil arc[]

The Zombie Devil is summoned by Makima while Power is trying to escape with Denji from her. Thanks to his ability, Makima is able to turn Devil Hunters under her control into zombies.


Zombie Creation: The Zombie Devil has the power to turn humans into zombies, who are forced to act as his loyal servants.[1] Humans who are bitten by zombies are transformed into zombies themselves.[6] Zombies are able to move and attack even if they are heavily injured.

Blood Consumption: As a devil, the Zombie Devil should be able to restore his health by consuming blood.[7]

Revival: As a devil, the Zombie Devil should revive in Hell after being killed effectively making him immortal.[8]

Chapter Appearances[]

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Вступительная арка
1. Пёс и бензопила Дебют
2. Там, где сейчас Почита Отсутствует
3. Прибытие в Токио Отсутствует
4. Пауэр Отсутствует


  • Zombie Devil's ranking in the Popularity Polls are as follows;
    • Zombie Devil ranked 78th in the First Popularity Poll, with 32 votes.


Site Navigation[]

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