Человек Бензопила Вики
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The Leech Devil (ヒルの悪魔, Hiru no akuma) is a devil that embodies the fear of leeches. She is the secondary antagonist of the Bat Devil arc.


The Leech Devil has a large wrinkled body with four legs and two tentacle-like arms. Her limbs are tipped with circular orifices like a leech and her face consists entirely of a single large mouth with blocky teeth. She has long black hair, and three pairs of breasts.[1]


The Leech Devil, like most devils, has a great hatred for humans. She cared deeply for the Bat Devil, referring to him affectionately and trying to avenge him after his death. She and the Bat Devil shared a dream of devouring all humans together.[2]. Despite her relationship with him however, she seemed willing to spare Denji purely because he had a cute face.[3]



At some point the Leech Devil became the girlfriend of the Bat Devil.[3]

Bat Devil arc[]

After Denji slays the Bat Devil and begins celebrating the chance to touch Power's chest, the Leech Devil appears and blasts a hole through Denji's forearm, severing his hand. The Leech Devil picks up Denji's hand and eats it.[4]

Denji pulled his chainsaw cord in an attempt to transform but his chainsaw only partially emerges from his head due to his lack of blood. The Leech Devil briefly considers letting Denji go but after he refuses to run due to protecting Power and Meowy, the Leech Devil starts to fight him.[5]

The two of them exchange blows and deal damage to each other with the Leech Devil lamenting that her boyfriend was killed by a boy with such sleazy desires. Denji retorts that their desires are worth less than his since he will beat them in a "dream battle". The Leech Devil eventually gains the upper hand, skewering Denji with her tongue.[6] As she prepares to eat him, Aki Hayakawa appears and summons the Fox Devil over the Leech Devil's head, decapitating her instantly.[7] The Fox Devil happily swallows the Leech Devil's head before disappearing in a puff of smoke.[8]


Sharp Tongue: The Leech Devil's tongue was able to pierce Denji's Torso.[9]

Blood Consumption: As a devil, the Leech Devil should be able to restore her health by consuming blood.

Contract Creation: As a devil, the Leech Devil is able to make contracts with humans.[10]

Revival: As a devil, the Leech Devil should revive in Hell after being killed effectively making her immortal.[11]

Chapter Appearances[]

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Арка Демона-Нетопыря
5. Как полапать грудь Отсутствует
6. Услуга Отсутствует
7. Там, где сейчас Мяукалка Отсутствует
8. Бензопила против Нетопыря Отсутствует
9. Спасание Дебют
10. Кон Появляется
11. Компромисс Отсутствует
12. Жамк Отсутствует
13. Демон-Пушка Отсутствует


  1. Человек Бензопила: Глава 9, стр. 14
  2. Человек Бензопила: Глава 10, стр. 4
  3. 3,0 3,1 Человек Бензопила: Глава 9, стр. 17
  4. Человек Бензопила: Глава 9, стр. 11 - 15
  5. Человек Бензопила: Глава 9, стр. 15 - 19
  6. Человек Бензопила: Глава 10, стр. 1 - 11
  7. Человек Бензопила: Глава 10, стр. 12 - 15
  8. Человек Бензопила: Глава 10, стр. 16
  9. Человек Бензопила: Глава 10
  10. Человек Бензопила: Глава 1, стр. 13
  11. Человек Бензопила: Глава 53, стр. 13

Site Navigation[]

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Гибриды ДэнджиЧеловек-КатанаРезеГуансиАса Митака/Йор