Человек Бензопила Вики
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Nomo was a Public Safety Devil Hunter, and a minor character during the Bomb Girl arc.


Nomo has a distinct scar across his face.




Bomb Girl arc[]

Nomo is first seen at the Anti-Devil 2nd Division's Training Facility, with Aki Hayakawa and others, he is the first person to see the injured Denji and Beam, with Beam warning of the Bomb Devil coming. He sees Reze outside the facility and tells Aki to run away with Denji while he stalls Reze. Nomo uses the Fox Devil's arm on Reze but she dodges, Reze then latches on to Nomo and explodes, after she kills more people, in a near death state Nomo uses the Fox Devil arm once again, with Reze dodging it again. Reze catches up with Aki and the others while they're driving, and she shows Nomo's decapitated head to them.


Fox Devil Contract: Nomo had a contract with the Fox Devil. In exchange for feeding him a part of his body Nomo could enlist his power in combat.

  • Summoning: Nomo could point his hand forward and say the word "Kon", causing the Fox Devil's arm to attack their opponent.

Chapter Appearances[]

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Арка Девочки-Бомбы
40. Любовь, Цветок, Бензопила Отсутствует
41. Перед бурей Отсутствует
42. Научи меня плавать Отсутствует
43. Джейн заснула в церкви Отсутствует
44. Бум Бум Бум Отсутствует
45. Прекрасный день для взрывов Дебют
46. Мелодия резни Появляется
47. Удача с женщинами Появляется
48. Бах Бах Бах Отсутствует
49. Акулий ураган Отсутствует
50. Акулий торнадо Отсутствует
51. Нырок во тьму Отсутствует
52. Потерянная любовь, Цветок, Бензопила Отсутствует


Site Navigation[]

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