Chainsaw Man Wiki

Octopus, War, Chainsaw ( (たこ) ・ウォー・チェンソー Tako Wō Chensō?) is the 188th Chapter of the Chainsaw Man manga.


The devil Pochita forces Denji to regurgitate is revealed not to be a devil at all, but Yoshida, who had apparently been swallowed whole during the Chainsaw Devil's rampage. Asa immediately recognises him as the man who cut off her right arm, demanding him to apologize. Yoshida points out she has both arms still, with Denji deliriously stating that arms can grow back sometimes. Yoshida is given a quick rundown on the current situation, with Denji telling him about the Aging Devil's desire to be eaten in exchange for the lives of children, calling them a pervert. Realising that a communitive devil such as Aging would be working with Public Safety, Yoshida tells the others that they're technically enemies, but calls for a truce until they leave this world. The latter asks Asa for forgiveness, who immediately attempts to punch him, but he grabs her hand in a handshake. He asks Denji to accept his alliance as well, but the boy asks him if he's asking him to work with a group willing to murder children.

Yoshida tells Denji a lesson he learned from his teacher about what to do during a bear encounter; as neither human nor bear benefits from killing the other, they should strive to return each other to their natural environments. He remarks how he thought his teacher was being too kind for the bears at first, but he finds wisdom in their words now that they're in their current predicament. Denji accepts his alliance, though he still calls him a sick person. Yoshida calls him a hypocrite since he just threw him up, and Asa calls Yoshida the hypocrite for still cutting off her arm. She then points out how they still can't use their devil powers, but having cottoned onto the fact that Denji's and Pochita's stomachs are linked, Yoshida asks Denji if he can shove his hand in the latter's mouth.


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Chapters and Volumes
Volume 1 1234567
Volume 2 8910111213141516
Volume 3 171819202122232425
Volume 4 262728293031323334
Volume 5 353637383940414243
Volume 6 444546474849505152
Volume 7 535455565758596061
Volume 8 626364656667686970
Volume 9 717273747576777879
Volume 10 808182838485868788
Volume 11 899091929394959697
Volume 12 9899100101102103
Volume 13 104105106107108109110111112
Volume 14 113114115116117118119120121122
Volume 15 123124125126127128129130131132133
Volume 16 134135136137138139140141142143
Volume 17 144145146147148149150151152153
Volume 18 154155156157158159160161162163164
Volume 19 165166167168169170171172173174175
Chapters not yet in tankōbon format 176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193
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Aging Devil arc
Chapters 156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190
Volumes 181920