Chainsaw Man Wiki

Warning: This page contains major spoilers for the Chainsaw Man series. Please read at your own risk.

Denji's Father is an unnamed man who was the father of Denji. He serves as a posthumous character pivotal to Denji's character and background throughout the story.


Of the little that is seen of him, Denji's father seemed to have the same hair color and style as his son.


Little is known of his personality, as he was deceased prior to the chronological beginning of the plot. Makima describes him as an abusive alcoholic, who was violent enough with Denji to the point where he was killed by his own son in self-defense.

It is also implied that he had an addictive personality, losing large amounts of money to the Yakuza resulting in a massive debt which Denji later inherited.



When Denji was young, he killed his father out of self-defense, as his father was in a drunken aggressive state and he feared for his life. His father's murder was ruled a suicide by the adults in Denji’s life as acknowledging his death as a murder would mean they would be unable to get any money from his death. After his death, Denji inherits his debt to the Yakuza.[1]

Intro arc[]

When resting in an abandoned shack with Pochita after killing the Tomato Devil, Denji remembers the time when he visited his father's grave with the Debt Collector. He also recalls the Debt Collector mentioning that his father hung himself while reminding him to pay his father's debt.[2]

Control Devil arc[]

Makima, when revealing her intentions to Denji, reveals that she investigated his past and knows that his father died not from suicide, but rather from being killed at Denji's hands in an act of self-defense. His supposed suicide was, in reality, a ruse created by the Yakuza in order to have Denji inherit his debts.

Denji had been repressing this fact behind a psychological barrier, which is represented by a closed door, and when the memory comes to light, Denji sees himself as a child, standing over his father's wounded and bleeding corpse.[1]

Chapter Appearances[]

Public Safety Saga[]

v  e
Intro arc
1. Dog & Chainsaw Mentioned
2. The Place Where Pochita Is Absent
3. Arrival in Tokyo Absent
4. Power Absent
v  e
Control Devil arc
80. A Dog's Feelings Absent
81. Paw Absent
82. Always Eat A Hearty Breakfast Debut
83. Death, Resurrection, Chainsaw Absent
84. Hero Of Hell Absent
85. Bloody Good Gut Feeling Absent
86. Date Chainsaw Absent
87. Chainsaw Man vs. the Horrifying Weapon Humans Absent
88. Star Chainsaw Absent
89. Go Get 'Em, Chainsaw Man Absent
90. Super Power Absent
91. Power, Power, Power Absent
92. Zombie, Blood, Chainsaw Absent
93. You & Crappy Movies Absent
94. Chainsaw Man vs. the Weapon Humans Absent
95. Chainsaw Man vs. Control Devil Absent
96. This Kind of Taste Absent
97. I, Love, Chainsaw Absent

Academy Saga[]

v  e
Chainsaw Man Church arc
132. Protection Absent
133. Chainsaw Man Protest Absent
134. Ordinary Happiness Absent
135. Sentimental Drive Absent
136. Normal Life Absent
137. Chu Chu Lovely Muni Muni Mura Mura Absent
138. Sword Man Absent
139. A Chair's Feelings Absent
140. Scales Absent
141. Normal Life Plus Absent
142. Denji Fan Club Absent
143. Rawr Absent
144. Guns, Nails, Katana Absent
145. Kumbaya Absent
146. Chainsaw Man War Absent
147. Cremation Absent
148. Room 606 Sword Absent
149. Devil's Choice Absent
150. Dream’s Next Stage Absent
151. The Return of Chainsaw Man Absent
152. Massage Absent
153. Chainsaw Man Hunters Absent
154. All Pets Absent
155. The Old Me Mentioned

Anime Appearances[]

v  e
Season 1
1. Dog & Chainsaw Mentioned
2. Arrival in Tokyo Absent
3. Meowy's Whereabouts Absent
4. Rescue Absent
5. Gun Devil Absent
6. Kill Denji Absent
7. The Taste of a Kiss Absent
8. Gunfire Absent
9. From Kyoto Absent
10. Bruised & Battered Absent
11. Mission Start Absent
12. Katana vs. Chainsaw Absent


  1. 1.0 1.1 Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 82, Pages 11-15
  2. Chainsaw Man Manga: Chapter 1, Page 10