Chainsaw Man Wiki
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Yuki Tomoda ( (とも) () ユウキ Tomoda Yūki?) is Japan's Chief of Cabinet Secretary.


Tomoda is a middle-aged man who is starting to show the signs of aging; his lower eyelids are starting to grow puffy and his hairline is starting to recede.


Tomoda is the most outwardly critical of Public Safety’s plan, as he immediately raises the concerns of side effects whilst calling the whole process messy.



Current arc[]

Chapter Appearances[]

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Current arc
156. Whup Whup Whup Whup Bzzz Split Split Absent
157. College Fund Absent
158. Gyohnee Guillotine Absent
159. Attack on Samurai Absent
160. That for Which the Heart Beats Absent
161. Chainsaw Man Puzzle Absent
162. Fearsome Absent
163. Dream Balls Absent
164. Charred Remains Absent
165. Everyday Scenery Absent
166. Rain, Brothel, Removal Absent
167. Super Smooch Absent
168. Kiss, Love, Sperm Absent
169. Hands and Adaptation Absent
170. How to Eat Sushi Absent
171. Special Division 5 Absent
172. Bzzz! Boom! Chomp! Absent
173. Hard of Hearing Absent
174. Ayyy, Aging Debut
175. Both Hands Absent
176. Two Children Absent
177. Trigger Finger Absent
178. Gun Goddess Absent
179. Vamvagah Absent
180. Aging's World Absent
181. Trees on the Mind Absent
182. Cute Absent
183. Barf, Head, Perv Absent
184. Run, Denji Absent
185. Stomach in Another World Absent
186. Yank, Blorsh, Bdroom Absent
187. Barf! Absent
188. Octopus, War, Chainsaw Absent
189. Heart Pass, Octopus Absent


Tomoda’s surname is comprised of the kanji for “friend” ( 友 ) and “rice paddy/field” ( 田 ).



Site Navigation[]

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Devil Hunters
Public Safety Devil Hunters Aki Hayakawa Angel Beam Denji  Division 2 Vice Captain Division 4 Female Member Division 4 Male Member Ear Devil Fumiko MifuneFurunoFushi Galgali Himeno Hirokazu Arai Kato KishibeKobeni Higashiyama Kusakabe Madoka Makima Masaki Ando Michiko Tendo Minami Nakano  Nail Fiend Nakamura Nomo Pillbug Fiend Power Princi QuanxiSato Subaru Takagi Tamaoki Tanabe Yutaro Kurose 
Civilian Devil Hunters Akane Sawatari AldoDenji Hirofumi YoshidaJoey Katana ManKenzoSanta Claus Tolka Asa Mitaka Yoru 
Devil Hunter Club Asa Mitaka Fami FurioHaruka IseumiHirofumi YoshidaNobana HigashiyamaSeigi AkokuYoru Yuko 